Monday, April 12, 2010

Europe holds events in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners

Europe holds events in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners
Saturday 10 April 2010 13:09
A number of European countries has witnessed lately a series of events in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails organized by different human rights and civil organizations. Palestinian and international institutions in Europe had declared 2010 a year for the defense of the issue of prisoners after the issue of occupied Jerusalem was the center of Palestinian activities in Europe last year. In this context, various popular ceremonies were held during this month in a number of Italian cities including Milan, Turin and Brescia dedicated to highlighting the suffering of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, where halls and sport stadiums were crowded with thousands of people who attended at the invitation of the Palestinian assembly in Italy. Friends of humanity international and the institution of south house will organize in April 17 a symposium on the occasion of the Palestinian prisoner day in the Austrian capital Vienna. Among the speakers in this symposium will be former Egyptian deputy minister of foreign affairs Abdullah Al-Ash’al and European lawmaker Alexandra Tyne. A documentary film showing the harsh incarceration conditions in Israeli jails will be screened during the event. For its part, Friends of humanity recently issued a comprehensive report on the detention conditions of Palestinian prisoners and the violations committed against them by Israeli jailers during 2009. The issue of Palestinian prisoners will also be high on the agenda of the upcoming Palestinians in Europe conference that is slated to be held in the German capital Berlin.

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