Thursday, September 16, 2010

Supreme Leader's Message Condemning Insult to the Holy Quran

 In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Surely We have revealed the Reminder, and surely We are its Guardian. [The Holy Quran, 15:9]

Dear Iranian nation, Great Islamic Ummah,

The insane, hateful, and disgusting insult to the Holy Quran in the United States which took place under police protection is a bitter and important event which cannot be considered as only an insane move by a number of worthless mercenaries. This is a calculated move by centers which have pursued the policy of Islamophobia and anti-Islamism for many years. And they have fought against Islam and the Holy Quran by using hundreds of methods and thousands of propaganda and operational tools. This is another link in the disgraceful chain that was formed by the treachery of the apostate Salman Rushdie and was continued by the hundreds of anti-Islam Hollywood movies and the move by the wicked Danish caricaturist. These moves have now led to this hateful theatre. Who and what is behind these evil moves?

Analyzing this evil process - which was accompanied during the recent years by criminal operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, and Pakistan - leaves no doubt about the fact that the process is planned and controlled by the heads of the domineering powers and Zionist think tanks which wield the greatest influence on the US government, its military and security organizations, the British government and some European governments. They are the same people whom independent and truth-seeking research is increasingly pointing the finger to at being the main culprits of the events of September 11. That event provided the criminal then-US President with a pretext to attack Iraq and Afghanistan and he declared a crusade. The same person announced yesterday - according to reports - that this crusade has now become complete with the entry into it of churches.

The purpose of the recent disgusting action is on the one hand to extend opposition against Islam and Muslims to all levels of Christian communities, to put a religious façade on such opposition, and to gain support from religious biases and concerns through the use of churches and priests. On the other hand, they intend to divert the attention of Muslim nations from the issues and developments of the Muslim world and the Middle East by causing them to be enraged and offended by this great offence.


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